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4-H officers

Mahoning Valley Community 4-H installed its officers for the 2021/2022 4-H year. Officers, from left, are Heidi Dages, president; Amanda Gowin, vice president; Lydia Hessinger, secretary; Daphne Gowin, social committee co-chair; Julius Kornafel, treasurer; Morgan Myers, social committee co-chair; and Lyma Dunbar, historian/reporter. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

Mahoning Valley Community 4-H installed its officers for the 2021/2022 4-H year. Officers from left, are Heidi Dages, president; Amanda Gowin, vice president; Lydia Hessinger, secretary; Daphne Gowin, social committee co-chair; Julius Kornafel, treasurer, Morgan Myers, social committee co-chair and Lyma Dunbar, historian/reporter. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO