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Upgrades made to Lansford gazebo

The gazebo in Lansford’s Kennedy Park has hosted a lot of musical events over the years.

New upgrades should keep the venue in good shape for years to come.

Local contractor BJ Berk, a Lansford native, recently replaced the cedar shingle roofing on the structure.

The work was completed in time for the gazebo to be trimmed with garland for the holidays.

“They decorated it shortly after I was done. It looks really good,” Berk said.

Panther Valley Lumber provided the materials at cost. Through his company Berk’s Customs, Berk provided the borough with a discounted rate.

In addition to replacing the shingles, Berk painted the supports. The borough installed new lighting as well.

Lansford Borough owns the gazebo, which was originally owned by Lansford Alive.

For years, the Lansford Alive events committee has used the gazebo for its Music in the Park events.

The gazebo was originally dedicated 20 years ago in memory of Bob Leibensperger, a Lansford business owner. The purchase was funded by Daniel and Ralph Cipko, the eccentric brothers who supported many local organizations.

The roofing is designed to last another 15-20 years.

BJ Berk stands beneath the new roof he put on the gazebo in Kennedy Park in Lansford. CHRIS REBER/TIMES NEWS