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West Penn Township to fix Water Wheel bridge

A bridge in West Penn Township is slated for repairs, but exactly at what cost remains uncertain.

Township supervisors last week agreed to submit a quote in the amount of $15,500 from Mark Boyle to repair Water Wheel bridge on Water Wheel Road.

However, if the PennDOT denies that, then the board agreed to continue with a Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Multimodal Grant in the amount of $102,196, for which the township would need to come up with the balance of $44,028 to complete the project cost of $146,224.

The grant application is due by early next month.

Supervisor Tim Houser noted the substantial discrepancies in the costs.

“There’s definitely math that’s not holding out,” Houser said.

Board Chairman Tony Prudenti echoed Houser’s sentiment.

“For that type of money difference, I think it’s something we need to look at,” Prudenti said.

Houser said that while he isn’t opposed to Boyle doing the work, he just wants to make sure that PennDOT approves the repairs.

The bridge has a deteriorating beam.

Water Wheel bridge on Water Wheel Road is slated for repairs. TERRY AHNER/TIMES NEWS