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Keep Scouts separate

What’s happening to our world? Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts? If the girls want to do boy things let them, but they do not have to invade the boys’ territory in order to do those things!

The Girl Scouts can learn to tie knots, put up their own tents, put a worm on a hook, take a fish off the hook, build a fire and cook over an open flame, etc., all the things the boys do, and girls can do this all by themselves, or can they?

If I were a Boy Scout, I wouldn’t want to be held back just because I need to “help a girl” do boy things.

On the other hand, being a girl myself, I would rather find out that I can do all those things without needing the help of a boy! I think I’ve lived most of my life that way, I just believe the “old way” let boys be boys and girls be girls, the way God set it all up, and thanks be to God. Oh, and one thing more, I DO appreciate a man’s help when I find something I just cannot do myself, and thank God, again that we have men and boys, who will and CAN help us when we need it.

Ruthann Schlecht
