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It's Time for Spring Cleanup
Date: April 24, 2021 at 09:30 am

The Pocono Mountains Visitors Bureau is seeking volunteers for a region-wide litter pick-up day. The Pick Up the Poconos Spring Cleanup is being held in honor of Earth Day. This event is just one component of the PMVB’s “Pick up the Poconos” campaign.

Anyone interested in helping the cause can fill out a volunteer form located at PoconoMountains.com. The deadline to sign up is Monday, April 19, 2021 by 5pm.

There are four cleanup locations (one in each Pocono county) that volunteers can choose from. The PMVB’s visitor centers in Stroudsburg, Jim Thorpe, Hawley and Milford will serve as the meeting point. where volunteers can pick up trash bags, vests, and other supplies.

Volunteers are to hold Sunday, April 25 as the rain date. For resources and safety tips on picking up litter, please visit PickUpThePoconos.com. The PMVB is in the process of planning the 4th annual Pick Up the Poconos on Saturday,September 25, 2021. Stay tuned for more information.
