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East Penn Township Supervisors

East Penn Township Supervisors acted on the following items during their meeting on Monday:

• The supervisors announced the recreation board’s Easter egg hunt will take place at 2 p.m. April 13 at Ashfield Playground. Egg coloring will take place at 6 p.m. April 10.

• The supervisors agreed to notify residents of Ashfield Road that they are considering closing a damaged portion of the road and replacing it with a cul-de-sac.

• The supervisors approved a $4,395 quote from Pencor Construction to upgrade the doors of the community center to be ADA-compliant. Schwab abstained from the vote. The only other quotes received were more than $10,000.

• The supervisors accepted bids for paving materials from Lehigh Asphalt and New Enterprise Stone & Lime Co.

• The supervisors accepted donation of a F-250 truck, plow and salt spreader. Schwab abstained from the vote.

— Chris Reber