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Beware National Police Support Fund calls

You’ve just received a call from a rather pleasant sounding man asking for a donation to the National Police Support Fund. Dan says it’s time for the annual fundraising campaign to support local law enforcement. He goes on to tell you about how the organization is “dedicated to promoting the interests of law enforcement officers.” He also tells you the group is a nonprofit, but quickly mentions it’s a “527 nonprofit.” Is it a scam?

The answer is yes and no. The fund is a real nonprofit organization, but it is a political group created “primarily to influence the selection, nomination, election, appointment or defeat of candidates to federal, state or local public office.”

The group’s website clearly states that it is “a grassroots political organization that is committed to aligning the interests and needs of police officers with the public’s issues and concerns within the national political process.”

But that’s the group’s website. The pleasant man on the other end of your phone doesn’t tell you that. He also doesn’t tell you that none of the donations collected actually go to financially support local law enforcement. If you ask him about the difference between the 527 and 501 nonprofit status, or how much of their donations go to local law enforcement, he will tell you to call 866-487-4515.

If you call the number, you will be connected with an answering service. The problem with that is the person answering the phone can’t or won’t answer any questions concerning the political aspect.

Consumer protection groups, such as the Better Business Bureau, urge caution about donating to the fund, “due to its lack of transparency.”

The bottom line is, if you want to financially support a political action committee dedicated to law enforcement, then give your money to the National Police Support Fund. If you want to support local law enforcement, contact your local municipality or Fraternal Order of Police Lodge.