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Jim Thorpe news for Jan. 20, 2022

Class recognized

Members of the 1964 graduating class of Jim Thorpe High School meet once a month for lunch. They decided in November instead of exchanging gifts, they would bring items to be donated to the veterans hospital in Wilkes-Barre.

At their December luncheon, those attending brought items to be given to the hospital. This month a letter was received from Amie O’Malia stating on behalf of the veterans and staff of the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center Wilkes-Barre on how pleased they were to accept with heartfelt thanks the donations of personal hygiene products, socks, puzzles and pencils for the veterans.

These items will help make the veterans’ stay with them more comfortable. We are so thankful to donors who enable us to provide these niceties to our veterans. Ed Moyer was in charge of this project and dropped off the many items at the hospital from the class.

Contact Ann Louise Hayes at 570-325-4435. Contact the Times News at 800-443-0377 or tneditor@tnonline.com.