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West End news for Oct. 21, 2021

Hoagie sale

McMichaels Methodist is holding a hoagie sale through Oct. 28, at which time orders will close. Call Martha Stout at 570-992-6742 to place an order.

Pickup is Nov. 4 by noon.

Howling Halloween

There may just be unique sounds coming out of St. Matthew’s UCC Church in Kunkletown on Oct. 29, as a Fun Night is celebrated for, and with, families.

Worship services are back in the sanctuary, with many safe practices in place.

BSA pie sale

Boy Scout Troop 102 is holding a pie sale, featuring 7-inch pies from Aunt G’s Pastries.

Choose from apple, cherry or blueberry crumb, pumpkin spice, pumpkin, shoofly, lemon sponge, pecan or peanut butter.

Orders must be placed by Nov. 1. They will be available by Nov. 22.

Contact Shaver for more information and to order at 570-977-8208.

Poppy time

The American Legion is sponsoring Pick a Poppy remembrance events.

There will be four sites at which community members can remember service personnel and pick a poppy. They include: from noon to 4 p.m. Oct. 29, at 1st Northern Bank, Gilbert; Nov. 3, from 1 to 5 p.m. at ShopRite in Brodheadsville; Nov. 5, from 1 to 5 p.m., ESSA Bank, in Brodheadsville; and Nov. 6, from 1 to 5 p.m., at ShopRite.

Pie crust sale

Zion United Lutheran is accepting orders for homemade pie crusts until Nov. 1. Pie crusts are made in 9-inch aluminum pans.

Pickup dates are from 1 to 4 p.m. Nov. 4, and from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Nov. 7.

To order, call Ruth at 610-253-5714.

A reminder from Zion, the parish hall can be rented. Call the church for dates, pricing and a tour.

Pickup reminder

Those who ordered soup from Effort UMC are reminded that pickup is after services Sunday.

Sunday supper

West End Missions is again serving a dinner at Our Lady Queen of Peace Church, Brodheadsville, from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Oct. 28. Takeout only.

Special event

The Polk Township Volunteer Fire Company, Kresgeville, is holding a dual event from 6 to 8 p.m. Monday.

That is the volunteers’ open house and also trunk or treat.

For the month of September the volunteers responded to 17 emergencies, completed 67 hours of training and participated in 164 hours of fundraising.

There are still tickets available for the company’s gun bingo on Nov. 6. Call the firehouse at 610-681-4370 or leave a message on the unit’s Facebook page.

WE GOP meets

The next meeting of the West End Republican Club is Tuesday at Cherry’s Family Restaurant in Kresgeville. The meeting begins at 7 p.m., but anyone wishing to eat at Cherry’s is asked to be there by 6 p.m.

Hoagie sale

The Polk Township Volunteer Fire Co. Ladies’ Auxiliary hoagie sale runs through Oct. 27, with a pickup date of Nov. 3. It is the last sale for the year.

Registrations due

PVEN is still accepting registrations for children for the annual holiday toy and coat distribution.

Children under 15 years old maybe eligible to receive free Christmas toys and a winter coat.

Registrations will be accepted until Oct. 29.

New clients will need birth certificates, proof of income, a lease or mortgage paperwork and proof of residency in the six-township coverage area: Chestnuthill, Eldred, Hamilton, Jackson, Polk and Ross townships, as well as clothing sizes and wishes for each child.

Anyone interested in signing up for the program is asked to call the PVEN office at 570-992-3136.

Current PVEN needs are gravy, stuffing, fried onions and cranberry sauce for the food pantry and men’s socks, body wash, women’s deodorant, and razors and shaving cream for the Clothing Closet.

Community festival

Pleasant Valley Assembly of God Church, Brodheadsville, is holding a Community Fall Festival from 2 to 4 p.m. Oct. 30.

Mass schedule

Our Lady Queen of Peace has announced that the last 7 p.m. Mass will be celebrated on Oct. 31.

After evaluation, the church finds it necessary to reestablish as its normative Sunday schedule the 5 p.m. Saturday Vigil Mass, the 8 a.m. Sunday Mass, the 11 a.m. Sunday Mass, and the 3 p.m. Sunday Mass in Spanish

The leadership advises that there is a 6 p.m. Sunday Mass at St. Matthew’s in East Stroudsburg.

Craft/gift fair

The West End Park and Open Space Commission will have a Craft/Gift Fair at the Chestnuthill Park, 221 Route 715, Brodheadsville, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Nov. 6.

There will also be direct sellers and prizes.

For spaces inside or outside, with or without table, contact the WEPOSC at 570-992-9733 or via www.weposc.org.

Double event

The Kunkletown Rod & Gun Club is hosting a block shoot and meat raffle on Nov. 7, beginning at 11 a.m. at 122 Gun Club Road, Saylorsburg.

Twelve-gauge shotgun only.

The public is welcome.

Cheesecake sale

The Pleasant Valley Ecumenical Network is holding a Thanksgiving fundraising event in cooperation with Pocono Cheesecake for five flavors of cheesecake. Orders must be in by Nov. 12.

Pickup of the cheesecakes is set for Nov. 19 at the PVEN.

The cheesecakes are 6 inches in diameter and weigh 1 pound, 2 ounces.

To order and for more information, call the PVEN at 570-992-3136.

The PVEN served 184 families via its food pantry in September. Those families consist of 553 individuals.

The Clothing Closet part of the PVEN served 32 families, consisting of 100 individuals.

The monthly PVEN distribution days are every Tuesday and the second Saturday. Clients must be preregistered before making an appointment. To preregister or make an appointment the office can be called at 570-992-3136.

Registrations for the PVEN’s outreach for children, under 15 years old, for the annual holiday toy and coat distribution are due by Oct. 29.

Coloring contest

The West End Park & Open Space Commission is inviting children ages 3 to 11 to participate in the WEPOSC’s Autumn Tree Coloring Contest using items such as crayons, markers, paint, glitter glue, sequins, pom-poms, beads, buttons, natural materials, etc. in the presentation.

Drop-off/pickup coloring page dates/hours include: Tuesday and Thursday in October and November to deadline date from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. or call for an alternate drop-off date and time at 570-992-9733.

Cancellation shared

Pastor Ken, at Effort UMC, has announced that it is with deep regret that the community Thanksgiving dinner held at the church for 15 years will be canceled this year. He cites with today’s environment social distancing being the new normal, he does not feel that people should be brought together for both the dinner and the prep.

Contact Adele Argot at 717-933-4028 or arargot3@verizon.net. Contact the Times News at 800-443-0377 or tneditor@tnonline.com.