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Sacred Heart news

Sacred Heart Parish, Lafayette Avenue, Palmerton, celebrates weekend Mass at 5 p.m. today and 9:30 a.m. Sunday, following all Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Allentown Diocesan directives. Daily Mass, Monday through Friday, is celebrated at noon.

The church remains open after daily Mass until 3 p.m. for private prayer.

This weekend, the Saturday 5 p.m. Mass will be livestreamed on Facebook for all who are unable to join us in person.

Seating capacity continues to be limited to 160 worshippers at each Mass. Wearing a face mask and safe distancing is required. The Sacrament of Confession continues to be offered by appointment only.

Please call the Rectory Office to schedule. All other parish and diocesan news can be found at www.shcpalmerton.org.

This weekend we celebrate the Sixth Sunday of Easter. The readings call us to love one another as Christ has loved us. On Thursday we celebrate The Ascension of the Lord, a Holy Day of Obligation.

On this day the Lord commends His disciples to go into the world and teach what he has taught. Two Masses will be offered for the Holy Day: Vigil Wednesday, May 12, at 7 p.m. and on Ascension Thursday, May 13 at noon. Parishioners should arrange their schedule to participate in one of these liturgies.

This Sunday at our 9:30 a.m. liturgy, we will celebrate our May Crowning. Sophia Cornmesser, one of our First Communicants, will crown the statue of the Blessed Mary seeking her intercession on behalf of our parish family.

Bishop Schlert has recently announced the retirement of two of our former Pastors: Monsignor Robert Wargo and Father James Ward. We offer our prayers and best wishes to both priests who faithfully served our parish.

On May 15, the bishop will ordain Matthew Kuna to the Diaconate and our prayers are offered for him for a long and fruitful ministry.

Part-time job opportunity for a Director of Religious Program to begin July 1. If interested in learning more about this position, please call Father Campion at: 610-826-2335.

Father Bill continues to ask for prayers, through the intercession of Father Walter Ciszek whose cause for canonization to Sainthood is under study, that God will bless us with a cure for COVID-19 and restore the physical, spiritual, emotional and financial health to our global family.