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Palmerton news for June 17, 2020

Palmerton Area Library

Please check out the What’s New at Palmerton section of the library’s website (www.palmertonarealibrary.com). You will find information on the Summer Reading Program, the Sheltered Stories project, and the new YouTube channel. The YouTube channel has a playlist of “How To” videos to assist you in using the online public catalog and accessing your library account online. Information on curbside service is also available.

As the national conversation on racism continues, the library has developed two reading lists to support further learning. The first is for parents. You may click on a link for a list of award-winning or notable books on the Civil Rights movement, African American leaders, tolerance, and the issue of racism in the Palmerton Area Library collection. These titles are for preschool through teens.

The second is for adults. Click the link for a list of fiction and nonfiction books available through LCLC partnering libraries. After opening the link, make sure your library is set to Lehigh Carbon Library Cooperative and hit search to view the full list.

The Palmerton Area Library also has a Home Bound Service. This is for homebound patrons residing within the Palmerton Area School District. Deliveries are once a week based on volunteer availability. Materials will be placed on the front porch or by the front door. Please call the library for information at 610-826-3424.

Living Hope Lighthouse Church

Beginning June 21 at 10 a.m., services at Living Hope Lighthouse Church, 705 Third St., Palmerton will be opening up on a wider scale. Masks are required and as people come they should sit in a location with social distancing in mind. Illuminate children’s ministry will reopen at a date that is yet to be determined.

Faith Alive Church

Faith Alive Church, 678 Pine St., Bowmanstown is now holding one combined service each Sunday at 10:30 a.m. There is three options of worshipping: Worship in the Sanctuary - must wear a mask, have temperature check and social distancing required; you may worship in the parking lot and tune in to 104.3; or you may join on Facebook live.

Every Wednesday at 7 p.m. is “Prayer & Praise Service” with the same three options as Sunday worship.

Bible school this year will be Virtual VBS and will be July 6-10. Craft kits will be available for pickup starting June 26. All interested parents, please contact Sue Moyer, VBS coordinator at 610-852-2381.

Faith Alive Church is online at www.faithaliveumc.com and the Pastor is Rob Timlin Sr. Please contact the office at 610-852-2805 for more information.

Jerusalem UCC

Jerusalem United Church of Christ, 545 Church Drive, Trachsville, will again livestream on Facebook beginning at 11 a.m. on Sunday morning. If you cannot view at this time, the recordings will be available afterward to view on the website or on Facebook.

Bible study is held Tuesdays from 7-9 p.m. with Pastor Kathryn on a web platform. Contact the pastor for the connection link.

Bowmanstown Rod & Gun Club

Bowmanstown Rod & Gun Club, 525 Club Road, Palmerton has reopened. They will be open at noon Monday-Friday, and 10 a.m. Saturday and Sunday. There will be seating restrictions with seating both inside and in a designated area out back.

The club will have its all-you-can-eat breakfast on June 21 from 8 a.m. to noon.


The chipping area has reopened to Palmerton Borough residents. Please obey the following regulations in order for the area to remain open. They accept branches, limbs or small trees (must be ½ to 9 inches in diameter). Lawn and hedge clippings may be placed in the designated area.

They do not accept contractor disposal, milled lumber, rock or dirt, vine clippings, landscape or railroad ties, brick or block, any manufactured board or product; hedge or tree roots.


With the designation of Carbon County as Green Phase the Palmerton Borough has reopened the playground areas in the Borough Park and West End Recreation Area.

Cruising for Justin

A cruise is being held for Justin Greenzweig on June 20. Please meet at the Palmerton Area High School at noon. Justin has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Half the proceeds will go the help offset medical bills for Justin and half will help maintain the Palmerton Cat Project, of which he is the founder.

Cars will start in the primary parking lot and motorcycles in the Junior High parking area. There will be a minimum donation of $5. Cans will be available to drop your donation so as to maintain no physical contact.

Contact Lenora Robertson at 610-826-4913 or 664 Delaware Ave., Palmerton, PA, 18071. Contact the Times News at 800-443-0377 or tneditor@tnonline.com.