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St. Matthew’s UCC to worship in Grove

The St. Matthew’s UCC church council voted to worship in the grove starting June 7 either in cars (using a FM radio channel) or 25 people may spread out in front of the bandstand. All are encouraged to wear masks and spread out at least 6 feet apart using benches or bringing your own chairs.

Communion will be celebrated but people are encouraged to bring their own bread and juice or wine. Prepackaged wafer and juice packs will be provided for those who need them.

The playground is closed. Parents are encouraged to bring crayons and paper or books for their children. We will not be passing the ritual of friendship pads or offering plates (offering will be taken up as people exit hte grove). People are asked to refrain from hugs, handshaking or gathering in groups and remain 6 feet apart at all times. Bathrooms will be cleaned and will be open if needed.

The worship service will be recorded and uploaded to https://stmattsucckunkletown.com at a later time for those who choose to continue to worship at home.

The grove is located at 124 Picnic Lane, Kunkletown, up the road from the church. Please call the church at 610-381-2442 for directions.