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Summit Hill set to begin rental inspections

An ordinance requiring inspections of all rental properties in Summit Hill is set to take effect in January.

On Tuesday, the Summit Hill Borough Council agreed to advertise for adoption of a rental property ordinance and rental inspection program regulations. The adoption is planned for the December meeting of the council.

David Wargo, president of the council, said noncompliance could result in daily fines for landlords.

“We have to be assertive. We need to protect our citizens,” Wargo said.

Councilman Joseph Weber agreed, saying, “This is the first step taken in fighting blight.”

Although the ordinance will take effect in January, inspections on rental properties will initially be done systematically in different sections of the borough.

However, failure to get a rental license could result in daily fines for owners of the rental units.

The inspections will be done by the borough’s code enforcement officer. Fees for the inspection will be finalized at the December meeting, although it is anticipated the license fee for a rental unit will be $75 and the inspection will cost $175.

The inspections will apply to government subsidized housing units as well as privately owned units. For example, the Carbon County Housing Authority will be responsible for payment for inspections at the Lansford Townhouses, which are located within Summit Hill borough.

Wargo explained that one of the unique things for Summit Hill in this ordinance is that anyone applying for a rental license will be required to have personal identification. If the rental unit is owned by an LLC or other entity, all principals of that concern will be required to show identification.

Wargo said he anticipates the ordinance to take effect Jan. 1, adding, “We’re not playing games after January 1.”

Besides finalizing the fee table in December, the council also anticipates hiring a records clerk to oversee the rental inspection process. The salary for the clerk will come from collected inspection fees.