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CCEEC survey deadline is Thursday

The Carbon County Environmental Education Center needs your help.

The center currently has an active survey that needs more participants. The survey is open to all classroom teachers, naturalists, scout leaders, home-school parents and all other educators.

Data is being collected to assist CCEEC and the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources in planning an educator workshop for next year, and in seeking a grant to fund it.

The deadline to complete this survey is Thursday. Access the survey at https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/sv/AgGMCB4

In addition, the center is hosting a Super Moon event at 6 p.m. on Friday.

Sky enthusiast and retired Penn State University biology professor Dr. Carl Frankel will give a brief lunar lecture followed by a short outdoor trek to admire the last of this year’s super moons.

The program is hosted by the boys and girls of CCEEC’s Nature Club, who will also be investigating bioluminescence and phosphorescence using special black lights while outside.

Cookies and cocoa will be on hand for warming up at the free program.

Please call 570-645-8597 to register.

The center is located along Lentz Trail in Summit Hill.