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Support veterans on this Memorial Day

Local community pools have opened for the season.

High school graduations will soon kick into high gear to recognize those students who have completed their academic journeys.

That doesn’t even begin to take into account all the home maintenance to-do lists that sprout up one right after the other.

From window cleaning, to deck repair, to the installation of air-conditioners, the list goes on and on.

Many of us have already mowed our lawns and weed-whacked multiple times.

Or planted flowers throughout their yards and crops in their gardens.

Indeed, the month of May can be the most hectic time of year, and for good reason.

But, for all of the craziness and chaos it can cause, it stands out for another reason.

A reason far more significant than anything many of us - myself included - could even begin to imagine.

Various parades and other military-related festivities are on tap throughout our coverage area this Memorial Day weekend.

Having covered many of these services over the years, I can tell you firsthand it’s unlike any other assignment of the year.

Quite frankly, it sends chills up and down my spine.

For starters, there’s the heartfelt stories that are shared.

Then, the symbolic sounds of the patriotic music that blares from the speakers.

Tragically, the horrifying statistics that are read off which cite the number of lives lost.

Not to mention the somber looks on the faces of families who’ve grieved the loss of those who gave the ultimate sacrifice.

In short, it’s a reminder of the sacrifices made by those valiant men and women who gave their all.

Throughout the course of this weekend, many of us will fire up the grills and gather with family and friends for a barbecue.

There’s perhaps nothing more Americana than that.

Except, of course, for supporting our veterans.

Therefore, I urge you to set aside a small window of your time this holiday weekend.

All it requires is to grab your lawn chairs, pick up your families, and take the short trek.

Those of you who do, I can promise beyond a shadow of a doubt you won’t be sorry.

Chances are you’ll feel much better knowing you took the time to show your support for those who have protected our great nation.

You’ll assuredly walk away with an even greater appreciation for what our veterans have done, and continue to do for our country.

God Bless America!