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Beltzville trains volunteers for many duties in the park

Rob Bergstresser, environmental education specialist at Beltzville State Park, trained volunteers last week in preparation for the opening of the park.

He said he hoped volunteers would gain “a better understanding of the contributions volunteers can make to local parks and help with environmental maintenance.”

This is the first time the volunteer orientation has been offered.

There are many events held at the park that could use the assistance of volunteers.

“A lot of locals don’t realize what events are held at the park during the week,” said Bergstresser. From litter pick up to environmental maintenance, volunteers can help protect and enhance the park’s natural resources.

Volunteers can also help with events at the park in many capacities, from checking people in to helping prep for an event.

Volunteers come from all walks of life and having fun is part of the experience. It’s important for a volunteer to find a project that is of interest and/or share their knowledge.

Everything from planting trees to repairing foot bridges and installing signs can be part of the volunteer experience. Bergstresser said, “You can volunteer one day, one week, a season or an entire year.”

DCNR has been working to raise the number of bluebirds as their numbers have been declining. Volunteers are needed to check the 74 bird blinds at the park and count the eggs and fledglings.

A pollinator garden at the park is maintained by the Friends of Beltzville group. The volunteer group is also involved in trail maintenance and other projects to preserve the park.

Sharon Steigerwalt joined the Friends group to “get to meet new people and leave the house.” She said, “I worked inside my whole life and wanted to enjoy things, smell things and see things.”

Park manager for the past four years, Ben Monk shared that growing up his family did not have a lot of money, so they spent time enjoying the state parks, which are free. He believes volunteers can “support a cause, to feel needed, make friends enjoy the work, share talent and gain a new skill.”

All volunteers must get both child abuse and criminal clearances which are free. To find out more about volunteering for DCNR go to volunteers.dcnr.state.pa.us/volunteer application.

To find out more about the Friends group, look under Beltzville State Park on the DCNR page.

Events happening at the park are listed at events.dcnr.pa.gov.

Environmental Education Specialist Rob Bergstresser talks about volunteer opportunities.
Friends of Beltzville volunteers Patti Ponicsan, left, and Sharon Steigerwalt attend training. LORI R. COOPER/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS