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Ross Township Supervisors

The Ross Township supervisors took the following actions during their meeting on Monday evening:

• Approved Arsha Vidya’s building replacement extension request one final time. Vice chairman David Shay said they have granted several extensions, and if they need more time after August, they will have to resubmit the plans and start over.

• Supervisors asked solicitor Rich Campbell to draft a Dangerous Structures Ordinance for them to consider next month. This would be a resource for township staff to utilize when there are burned down houses, falling down barns or other cases of dangerous structures. They want to ensure residents’ safety and aesthetic value of the property.

• Martha Rezeli, of the Ross Township Historical Society, announced its museum will be open this Saturday 11 to 3 and is free to the public. Volunteers will be there to answer questions and show guests around the museum.

- Staci L. Gower