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Warmest regards: A celebration of life itself

During a casual chat with a neighbor he mentioned yesterday was his birthday but the entire day went by without him realizing it was his special day.

“Once you’re no longer a kid birthdays are just another day,” he said.

I told him I disagreed. I think every birthday is special, no matter how old you are.

Even if you’re the only one that knows it, your birthday is your special day.

We share special occasions like Christmas with everyone. But our birthday belongs uniquely to us. It doesn’t matter how we spend it. It’s still our special day.

After that conversation with my neighbor I starting thinking about my birthdays through the years. I might forget what I did yesterday but I always remember how I spent a birthday.

That started my thinking about some of my past birthdays that stand out in my mind. I thought it might be fun to share some memories with you. It might trigger your memories of your own special day.

When I started recalling birthdays that came to mind, I realized not every one stood out as a glorious occasion.

It’s often the marred birthday celebration that stays in our mind.

For instance, I fondly recall the year I refused to be disappointed about my special day, even if everything conspired against me.

I had planned to spend that birthday doing something I loved - visiting my favorite nursery, picking out some plants, then coming home and planting them. I had a rare day off and I thought it would give me time to do what I often could not

But it rained all day. Not just rain. It was an absolute downpour.

I refused to be deterred. I was going to spend my birthday exactly as planned, visiting the biggest nursery in the area.

I just love to walk the lanes seeing one gorgeous plant after another. Granted, with an April birthday there aren’t many flowers in bloom. But it’s a treat to be among all the plants.

I loaded a wheel barrel filled with plants. My plan was I was going to plant them today on my birthday.

I thought by the time I drove home the rain might have lessened. Instead, it was worse.

The steep bank where I wanted to put the plants turned into a mud slide. Well, they may have been sliding down the hill but they got planted. Of sorts.

One birthday that will live forever in my mind is the embarrassing birthday I had at 14. It was the first birthday party I was allowed to have and I was excited to be able to invite my friends.

We played a funny game of pin the tail on the donkey. Then we went to something the kids liked better - a version of spin the bottle. When my mom saw the kids kissing (gasp!) she literally kicked my friends out the door.

None of that in my house, she said.

I was so embarrassed I didn’t want to face the kids in school the next day.

I made one promise to my friends. I would never have another birthday party.

A few birthdays were a gift in how I spent the Day.

One of my most memorable birthdays was dancing through a field of bluebells in Lock Ridge Park with my friend Jean Stoneback.

Those of you who were lucky enough to know that incredible woman know how she brought fun and joy to those around her.

Few people could tell stories like she could. She told me about the time she invited a big live turkey to sit at her Thanksgiving table as the guest of honor.

She gave me a small antique doll for my birthday that still holds a place of honor in my house because of the special woman who gave it to me.

Then there was the birthday I realized nothing can make me sad on my birthday. Disappointed, yes. But not sad.

We have to make our own happiness regardless of circumstances. That’s what l learned when at the last minute all plans fell through when my husband didn’t feel up to do anything with me on my birthday.

I almost gave in to a night of having the blues until I realized it was foolish. How could I be stay depressed on my birthday when the day itself is a celebration of the gift of life?

It doesn’t take gifts to make me happy on my birthday. It doesn’t take going to a great place. Life is great, every single day and my birthday is so very special, regardless of how I spend it.

Well, here I am being super excited as I get to celebrate another birthday. My daughter and granddaughter planned to fly to Florida to spend my birthday weekend with me.

With their busy work schedules, I was thrilled they were making a big effort to make my birthday special.

Unfortunately when my daughter came down with a nasty case of COVID the trip had to be postponed.

But my friends stepped in with tickets for a play along with a celebratory dinner.

And I still have my daughter’s visit to look forward to.

Life is good, indeed. There is something special in every day of life.