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LV music school celebrates 20 years on Sunday

The Lesson Center school for private music instruction will celebrate it’s 20th anniversary on Sunday with an all day, 2-stage concert event on the SteelStacks campus in Bethlehem.

Originally opening its doors in May 2004, The Lesson Center began as a 3-room music store adjacent to Billy’s Downtown Diner. Owner, Jeff Roberts, credits local restauranteur, Billy Kounoupis, for being the catalyst that got the ball rolling.

“My wife, then girlfriend, and I were just sitting at the diner having a little breakfast, when Billy approached and asked me to come take a look at the vacant space he had next door,” said Roberts. “I thought he was crazy, I was just a struggling guitar player, I couldn’t imagine operating a downtown storefront.”

With support and encouragement from Kounoupis, as well as many friends and family, Roberts opened the doors of the first location on Bethlehem’s Broad Street just a few months later, with subsequent locations and expansions in Coopersburg and Trexlertown following.

Today the small three-room music store with learning space has developed into a three-location music school, and has provided private and group music instruction to thousands of Lehigh Valley musicians of all ages.

In addition to being a musical resource to aspiring students, Roberts and his wife Lori have prioritized their commitment to the teaching musicians across the community.

“Making a conscious decision to make your living as a musician can be challenging to the pocketbook,” said Lori Roberts. “Creating a place where creative artists can earn a living, while still focusing on their craft, is definitely part of The Lesson Center legacy.”

In celebration and appreciation of those who have been a part of the center’s success, the Roberts have curated the full day of live performances at SteelStacks on Sunday.

The lineup features current staff and students, as well as former teachers and alumni, including sets by This Way to the Egress, The Grey Man Group, Emma Bockrath, Chris Eichlin, Payton Renee, The Kels and even a set by the owners themselves, Donovan Roberts.

Throughout the day, attendees will have the opportunity to enjoy performances from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., take advantage of some free giveaways and possibly qualify for more than $5,000 in music scholarship offerings.

For additional information, visit www.mytlcstudent.com/20years.