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Letter to the editor: Democracy quote still relevant

This quote is as relevant today as it was back in the thirties. Those who worry about government power should instead direct their concern toward the ultra wealthy who want power over our government, instead of working within our government:

“The liberty of a Democracy is not safe, if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their Democratic state itself. That in its essence, is Fascism - ownership of government by an individual, by a group or by any controlling Private Power” Franklin D. Roosevelt, in a message proposing the Monopoly Investigation, 1938

It’s interesting to remember that this was said just four years after a coup attempt had been planned against his presidency by wealthy pro-Fascists, which included the CEO of General Motors. It fortunately was exposed in time, by Marine Major General S. Butler, who recognized plans for a coup when he saw them. When you hear talk about the USA not really being a Democracy, you are listening to the same class of people, who still want to destroy it.

Linda Zak

Ross Township