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Bowmanstown yard sale set

Bowmanstown Area Residents Connected has registered over 40 households to participate in their annual community yard sale from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday.

Take a few minutes to stop by the “BARC homes,” 422 Ore St., 509 White St., and 518 Hamilton St., where maps of the registered sellers will be distributed and Gertrude Hawk candy bars can be purchased as fundraisers for their community projects. 422 Ore St. will also be selling spring flowers and perennials.

“I love the way the community yard sale brings people together” stated Christine Bottcher, a resident of Bowmanstown and member of BARC. “I get to check out what other people are selling, and for someone else, my junk may be their treasure.”

While you are perusing through the streets, stop by our local nonprofits. Emmanuel UCC Church (509 Hamilton St.) will be hosting a basket social and selling hot dogs, The Bowmanstown- Parryville Lion’s Club will be selling their famous waffles, and the Carbon Model Train Society will have model train items for sale. Don’t forget a few extra bucks to support the Bowmanstown Area Fire Company in their Boot Drop as you come into town.

For more information, contact Rodney Reeser at rodmar@ptd.net, or Kara Scott at (610)-703-0029; karascott2014@gmail.com