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West End News

MC Seniors

The West End’s unit of Monroe County Seniors will meet at 9 a.m. Wednesdays and Fridays.

Polk meeting

The Polk Township Board of Supervisors will hold a general meeting at 8 a.m. Thursday, at the township’s Municipal Building.

WE missions meal

Our Lady Queen of Peace Church, Brodheadsville, will host its next West End Missions meal at 4:30 p.m. Thursday.

Pizza pickup time

St. John’s Lutheran Church’s pizza pickup and pay, for previously ordered pizza, is between 4 and 5 p.m. Friday at the church.

Faith & Family event

The next Faith & Family Night at St. Matthew’s UCC in Kunkletown is from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, in the social hall. Miss Gabby will lead a lesson about spiritual renewal.

Attendees will make a spring collage using various art supplies, have an outdoor scavenger hunt and play Bingo.

Sunday school meets Sunday at 10:30 a.m. in the classroom. The end of the year party will be held May 19 at 10:30 a.m. at the grove. Children’s Church meets each week during worship, from 9:15 to 10 a.m.

On Sunday, St. Matthew’s will hold its Town Hall meeting at 6 p.m. in the Social Hall. Special guests will answer questions about the Evangelical Congregational Church. The questions should be placed in the box in the narthex. They will be sent to Pastor Mike in advance.

Now joined together

The public libraries of Carbon, Lehigh, Monroe and Northampton counties have announced the formation of the Multi-District Lehigh Valley Pocono Library Partnership. The libraries will begin directly sharing resources.

Library patrons now have direct access to more than 1.4 million items, from 26 library outlets, from across the Lehigh Valley and the Poconos.

Patrons can search for items, place holds, and in most cases, will have the item sent to their home library within three business days.

For further information, contact: Patti Weiss (Western Pocono) at wpcl6@ptd.net

Turkey dinner set

Orders for a turkey takeout dinner Salem-St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Kresgeville, on May 4, are due by April 28. To order call 570-688-5381.

The church is also taking orders for celery seed dressing.

Library Week

National Library Week continues through Saturday at the Western Pocono Community Library.

Among the special events is WPCL’s spring Paint Party fundraiser at 6 p.m. Saturday.

Tickets are available at the WPCL Circulation Desk while supplies last. Snacks and nonalcoholic beverages are welcome. No tickets will be sold at the door.

More activities will be part of the monthlong celebration.

WPCL is hosting Lyndi Mies, a Senior Clinical Regional Dietitian for Weis Markets, who will be at WPCL to discuss foods to help with medical concerns like diabetes and high blood pressure at 10 a.m. April 24. Those wishing to attend can RSVP on the Western Pocono Community Library website under Events & Programs.

In addition, online registration for the summer reading program begins May 1.

Visit www.westernpoconocommunitylibrary.org or call 570-992-7934 for more information.

EUMC Men’s Group

The Men’s Group at Effort UMC will be meeting on Saturday, instead of April 20, starting at 9 a.m. in the former day care kitchen area. All men 18 and above are invited.

Ross Historical

The Ross Township Historical Society invites all to its museum located next to the Township building at 258 Anchorage Road, Saylorsburg, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday.

New exhibits and educational activities are planned.

The event is free and open to the public, however donations are always accepted.

Artifacts that are directly related to life as it was 60-plus years ago, and in keeping with the following areas: Farm and Family, Agriculture, Government, Business and Industry, Faith, and Education are also being accepted.

Contact the group via email at judyj@ptd.net or giakc@ptd.net for more information.

Sunday supper

This Sunday, Our Lady Queen of Peace Church, will again host a Community Sunday Supper, beginning at 2:30 p.m.

Sportsmen’s Day

This Sunday, the Kunkletown Rod & Gun Club is hosting a Spring Sportsmen’s Day at 122 Gun Club Lane, Saylorsburg. Doors open at 11 a.m. The public is welcome.

Raffles are ongoing throughout the day. For more information, call 610-381-3215.

Worship at Zion

Zion Lutheran in Brodheadsville continues with the following worship schedule: Saturdays at 5 p.m., Sundays at 8 a.m., also via Zoom, and 10:30 a.m., also via Facebook Live. A simple prerecorded spoken service is available each week on Facebook. Sunday school is held on the second and four Sundays at 9:15 a.m.

The Brodheadsville church can be reached at 572-992-6988 or at zionulc@ptd.net, www.zionulc.com or www.facebook.com/zionulc.

SFRC open

The food pantry at Effort UMC, known as the Supplemental Food Resource Center, will be open from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday.

Spring cleanup

Ross Township will hold its spring cleanup from 6:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., April 12 and 13.

Township residents may bring metal, tires, automobile batteries, mattresses, appliances, carpets, furniture, bikes and general trash from 6:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. There will be dumpsters on site.

Eldred Township is holding its spring cleanup from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. on April 19, and from 8 a.m. to noon on April 20.

New members

Effort UMC will receive new members at its Sunday services this Sunday. In between the church’s two services - at 8:30 and 11 a.m. - there will be a fellowship breakfast.

Springtime/Tick time

The Tick Research Lab of Pennsylvania, in partnership with East Stroudsburg University reminds all that: Springtime means Tick Time. If you notice a tick, it’s important to remove it right away. Do not throw the tick away but save the tick for testing.

In addition, the tick folks share the 5 steps on how to remove a tick and submit it for testing:

1. Use fine tweezers and grab the tick by the base of its mouth.

2. Pull straight up and out.

3. Place the tick into a clean plastic zip-locked bag.

4. Visit the website www.ticklab.org and select “Test My Tick,” follow the submission process to receive your testing identification.

5. Mail the tick to the lab. You may use priority mail so your tick can arrive fast and be tracked along the way or a simple envelope with a stamp.

Testing results can be completed within just 72 hours upon receiving the tick with 99.9% accuracy.

The Tick Research Lab of Pennsylvania is continuing to offer Free Basic Panel Tick Testing for PA residents through funds received from the PA Department of Health.

American Legion Bingo

The American Legion Post Home in Gilbert will host another open to the public Bingo game Monday. Card sales begin at 6:30 p.m. Calling begins at 7 p.m.

Pocono Women

The Pocono Women’s Group will be meeting in Effort UMC’s Wesley Hall at 7 p.m. Monday.

QV Preschool held

Quiet Valley is holding April preschool sessions from 9:30 to 11 a.m. and again from 1 to 2:30 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesdays.

For more information call QV at 570-992-6161.

Prayer Shawl group

The Prayer Shawl group meeting at Effort UMC will be plying their needles on Tuesday, beginning at 10:30 a.m.

WE Republicans

The West End Republican Club will be meeting at 7 p.m. on Tuesday. It is one week earlier due to the Primary Election.

The group meets at 7 p.m. at Cherry’s Family Restaurant in Kresgeville.

Those planning to have dinner there are advised to come an hour earlier.

Chestnuthill Supervisors

The Chestnuthill Board of Supervisors will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the township’s municipal building.

New Youth Group

Our Lady Queen of Peace Church has announced its 6th Grade Youth Group will be having its first youth group meeting during CCD.

Chicken dinner set

The Effort United Methodist Church on Merwinsburg Road off Route 115 in Effort, will be having its semiannual Chicken BBQ Dinner on April 27, from 3-6:30 p.m., or while supplies last.

The menu again consists of the roasted BBQ seasoned chicken half, baked potato, corn, and creamed cabbage or applesauce.

For additional information or to order a ticket, call the church at 570-629-1890.

Seniors’ walk

The Pocono Family YMCA is hosting a free event at the Stroudsburg High School’s track on Wednesday, May 15.

Participants are invited to walk with other seniors and then return to the YMCA for refreshments and door prizes. The first 100 people to register receive a free T-shirt.

For questions, including how to register, call the YMCA at 570-421-2525.

Farmers’ Market

The Monroe County PA Area on Aging announced that the Farmer Market Coupon program will continue from June 1 through Nov. 30 Each Senior is given five $10 checks, a couple gets a total of $100.

In addition, 16 local farmer markets throughout Monroe County participated in the coupons’ redemption.

Call or email Merle Turitz at 570-420- 3726 or mturitz@monroecountypa.gov for more information.

Donations accepted

Donations of paper plates, coffee cups, napkins or plastic utensils are now being accepted at the local Senior Center at Zion Lutheran Church in Brodheadsville.

The Center is open from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday and Friday.

Contact Donna Riedel, site manager at 570-242-6770.

Contact Adele Argot at 717-933-4028 or arargot3@verizon.net or the Times News at 800-443-0377 or tneditor@tnonline.com.