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LVHN Health Tips: What is rheumatoid arthritis?

You’ve undoubtedly heard of arthritis. And you probably have a good idea of what someone means when they say they have arthritis. They’re bothered by stiff and painful joints. But what many people don’t know is that there are several kinds of arthritis.

“The most common type is osteoarthritis (OA),” says Brian DelVecchio, DO, a rheumatologist with LVPG Rheumatology in Hometown and Pottsville. “When people complain of pain and stiffness in their joints, particularly weight-bearing joints such as the spine, knees and hips, oftentimes they are referring to osteoarthritis. However, depending on the clinical scenario, other forms of arthritis may be the underlying cause.”

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a very different disease from OA.

Although many of the symptoms of RA can feel the same as those of OA, RA is an autoimmune disease; OA is not.

“As an autoimmune disease, RA is more like multiple sclerosis, Crohn’s disease and lupus. Like these and other autoimmune diseases, RA develops when your own immune system attacks your body,” says Dr. DelVecchio.

In the case of RA, the immune system attacks the tissue lining the joints. Usually, it’s the joints in your hands, wrists, ankles and feet that are initially affected. But over time, RA can affect larger joints as well.

What causes RA?

Doctors aren’t sure what causes RA, but there is some evidence it could be triggered by an infection, smoking, stress or something in the environment, like pollution. Researchers also think genetics and hormones could be involved. “One reason to suspect hormones is the fact females are more likely than males to get the disease,” says Kourtney Rudzinksi, DO, a rheumatologist with LVPG Rheumatology–Hecktown Oaks. “RA is as much as three times more common in females.”

When should you see your doctor?

Early signs of RA include tenderness or pain in small joints like those in your fingers or toes.

Or you might notice pain in a larger joint like your knee or shoulder. It’s important not to ignore these signs because the sooner you’re diagnosed with RA, the sooner your treatment can begin.

See your doctor if you have any of these symptoms:

• Joint pain and stiffness

• Joint swelling and redness

• Symptoms in four or more joints, including the hands and fingers

• Symptoms that affect both the left and right sides of your body

• Morning stiffness that lasts longer than 30 minutes

• Symptoms that last longer than six months

But understand, too, that the symptoms of RA can be subtle, especially at first.

“If you’re not feeling well and you’re wondering what’s going on, make an appointment to see your doctor,” says Dr. Rudzinski.

Need an appointment? Call 888-402-LVHN or 610-776-5038 to schedule an appointment with LVPG Rheumatology–Hometown.
