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Slatington brings on part-time police officer

Slatington Borough Council has a new part-time police officer.

Kyle Bernhard was sworn into the Slatington Police Department this week by Mayor Jeralyn Schoch. He has been in law enforcement for 12 years.

Council has accepted member Jeff Hausman’s resignation with regrets. The open position will be advertised. Hausman submitted a letter of resignation in late February.

One letter was submitted for the vacancy on the zoning hearing board by Bryon Reed. He was voted in to take that spot. Rebecca Edwards resigned last month.

Jim and Susan Layland of 221 Union St., and Robin and Duane Lindenmuth of 222 Union St., came to request if any zoning process on properties around their home are requested, that they be notified.

Council also:

• Approved for use of space/site and approval to serve alcohol at Wednesday UnWin’d, Victory Park Concert Series, Day in the Park and Shakespeare in the Park.

• Approved application for Caring Hearts’ 2nd Annual Rock the Park & Food Truck Festival on Sept. 14, from noon to 9 p.m.; rain date Sept. 15.

• Approved request for Caring Hearts 8th Annual Project Warm and Cozy and Community Christmas trees at Victory Park from noon to 6 p.m. Dec. 7. The event runs through mid-January.

• Approved for Springside Sportsmen Club Inc. to hold Annual Kids Fishing Contest on May 4, back-up date of Sunday May 5. Registration starts at 6:30 a.m., fishing starts at 8 a.m.

• Approved request for Northern Lehigh Swimming Pool Association for permission to hold its Vince’s Famous Cheesesteak fundraiser on April 3.

• Approved Certificate of Liability Insurance for the Venture Group Thirty Thursday (received from NLRA)

• Slatington Borough Electronics Recycling Day will be held April 13 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the borough garage.

At the Slatington Borough meeting March 11, part-time police officer Kyle Bernhard was sworn into the Slatington Police Department by Mayor Jeralyn Schoch. He has been in law enforcement for 12 years. From left: Kyle Bernhard's wife Kristy, his daughter Hailey, Bernhard, Chief Greg Winokur, and Mayor Schoch. Officer Bernhard also has a son Jacob who did not attend due to sickness. PATRICIA INGLES/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS