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DA Greek will again lead Carbon Prison Board

The Carbon County Prison Board will again be led by District Attorney Michael Greek.

On Wednesday, the board voted for Greek to serve as president.

Commissioner Wayne Nothstein will serve as vice president and Controller Kayla Herman will serve as secretary.

Following the reorganization, Sheriff Daniel Zeigler recommended continuing the plan of action committee due to ongoing issues at the correctional facility.

He added that Paul Levy, chief public defender, was successful in securing a $577,000 grant for the prison.

Zeigler said that there were some changes that needed to be made regarding what the money would be spent on at the facility.

“I think it was a good solid plan to make several improvements to the prison,” he said, noting that included decreasing some things and reallocating it for other things in the prison.

Commissioner Michael Sofranko asked who is administering the grant, and it was determined it was the county.

He then asked for further details regarding the grant, which county administrator Eloise Ahner said would be on Thursday’s commissioners’ agenda.

The grant is effective Aug. 1, 2022 through July 31, 2024.

Zeigler said that if the county gets back $20,000 in COVID reimbursements through the grant, he recommended setting up a fund for upgrades at the prison using that money as matching funds for whatever project is needed.

Commissioner Rocky Ahner then spoke about the opiate money the county has been awarded and said maybe some of that money could be used to help with projects at the prison, like using some to add to other funds to add functionality for those needing to come into the prison when coming for treatment.

He added that he is open to suggestions, but wants to make sure they can use the money in the best way possible to help with the opiate problem.

Zeigler said that it was discussed that the warden could make a list of services that he feels is needed in the prison system and said that more discussion based on needs should occur.

Nothstein said it is hard to determine projects because the money has to be tied to the opiate epidemic.

Greek said the county should wait to see what other counties do while the county continues to create a plan so that the money is used correctly.