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Pleasant Valley assistant principal resigns

Pleasant Valley High School’s assistant principal has decided to move on. Her resignation was announced at the school board meeting on Thursday night.

A graduate of Pleasant Valley High School, Jamie Rockwell came back to the high school as the assistant principal in November 2022. She had been the dean of students at the high school before being furloughed in the spring of 2022.

When she came back to the school district, Rockwell said she was happy to be back.

Her resignation is effective on or before Jan. 26.

Also in the human resources report, the school district signed an affiliation agreement with Holy Family University School of Nursing. Students from the university will be able to do some of their training in the school district.

In the curriculum department, the school district announced partnerships with two universities for its high school students to receive college credit. These include Harrisburg University of Science and Technology and Commonwealth University of Pennsylvania.

Students can now participate in dual enrollment with Harrisburg University. The university is in Harrisburg. The articulation agreement with the university will run for five years and began on Nov. 1.

The school board approved a memorandum of understanding with Commonwealth University of Pennsylvania for three years for an Early College Program. The colleges that make up the Commonwealth University of Pennsylvania include Bloomsburg University, Lock Haven University and Mansfield University.

Students qualified for the program will be able to enroll in online courses, hybrid and blended courses, or face-to-face courses as nondegree university students. Eligible students will be automatically reviewed and conditionally admitted to the university.

In personnel, other changes include:

• Resignation - Ryan O’Keefe, sub, fall/winter/spring sports;

• Athletic volunteers - Ryan O’Keefe;

• Building volunteer - Erica Figueroa;

• Hiring of support staff - Ambrosia Sprintz, PVMS, and Brooke Mosesman, PVES, both food service employees, $12.82 per hour;

• Intramural advisers - baseball: Joseph Anderton, adviser; Matt Burnett, Dominick Payan, Rob Constantinou and Scott Castone, volunteers; PVHS;

• Supplemental contracts: athletic non-coaching - Anne Morton and Arianna Weaver, bag checkers, football, $21 per hour;

• Supplemental contracts: nonathletic - newspaper advisers: Alexandria Gibb and Amanda Altemose, PVMS, $800.00 each (split stipend); Sophomore Class adviser: Michael Weiss, PVHS, $1,600; Junior Class adviser, Julie Valenzuela, PVHS, $1,800; and Yearbook, Elizabeth Negron, PVHS, $2,887.50;

• Supplemental contract: salary adjustment - Jenna Wernett, wrestling, junior high score book, $25 per event correct salary, $30 per event approved salary;

• 2023-2024 Adult English Language Development and EL Student Homework Help Program - Susanne Rasely Philipps and Lucille Rhock, advisers, PVHS, $23 per hour.