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Gilbert Pink Light Walk marks 20 years

More than 100 people showed up Tuesday night for the Pink Light Walk for breast cancer awareness, starting at American Legion Post 926 in the West End.

It was the 20th Anniversary of the walk at this location.

Kathleen Maltez, a teacher at Pleasant Valley Elementary, and a group of seven women got together with support from the American Cancer Society to start this event locally.

Many other teachers from PVE also walked. Maltez had participated in other walks to raise awareness about breast cancer and helped organize this local walk 20 years ago.

Proceeds raised from the event go back to the PA breast cancer coalition, the West End Fire Company, for their assistance, the American Legion and the American Cancer Society.

“Pink Heals” had their retired ambulance on hand, which became a rolling tribute for breast cancer awareness in 2013. It is covered in signatures, sayings and memory or support of loved ones. From Dec. 15 through March the organization raised $22,000 and gave back to 55 families struggling with breast cancer.

Jean Heibola, breast cancer survivor, arrived with her four grandsons proudly having their hair dyed pink. The oldest Austin Berger, 14, has been aware of the struggles with breast cancer since he was three.

If there were a best-dressed award it would go to Jocelyn Sutphin, sporting her “Survivor” crown and lots of pink. Sutphin was diagnosed with breast cancer 22 years ago. It was “caught by accident as I was under the suggested 40-year-old first mammography.”

After chemotherapy, a double mastectomy and nine operations she continues to be active in breast cancer awareness and has participated in a 60 mile walk as well as walks in Washington and New York City.

A large group of women from an exercise group at Western Pocono Community Library walked in memory of Pat Madill who passed away in August. She had been a member of the American Legion Auxiliary and was described as “very upbeat and funny. “

Walkers shared their story about supporting a loved one diagnosed with breast cancer or walked in memory of someone.

Mariann Terro had three sisters and a niece diagnosed with breast cancer. One sister passed away.

The common theme was one of love, support and early detection.

A basket raffle with over 60 baskets donated by local businesses through the efforts of Pink Light committee members. There was plenty of pink being given out including nail files, lip cream and survivor bags. To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the walk pink T-shirts were also given out.

Boy Scout Troop 99 from Effort and Girl Scout Troop 52339, Kresgeville, were on hand to lend support.

Following the walk Dr. Ali Butash from St. Luke’s, a general surgeon and surgical oncologist, spoke to the group.

Jocelyn Sutphin of Lake Naomi is a 22-year breast cancer survivor. She dressed in pink for the Pink Light Walk in Gilbert Tuesday night. LORI R. COOPER/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS
Honi Greenberg, left, and Kathleen Maltez are founding members of the Pink Light Walk in Gilbert. More than 100 people participated in the walk Tuesday night at the American Legion in Gilbert. A photo gallery is on www.tnonline.com.LORI R. COOPER/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS