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Letter to the editor: Some politicians only serving party

Kudos to Wanda Dietz for her poignant and insightful letter on “Life Under Biden” 9-15-23.

Our country is deteriorating exponentially under his inept administration.

As to John McEnroe’s famous quote “you cannot be serious,” I fear the Democrats are deadly serious. While there are some well intentioned local Democratic politicians, nationally, maintaining power by any means necessary is their primary objective. Just look at the election of Sen. Fetterman. Mental acuity and wisdom mean nothing to many democrat voters, all that matters is that the seat remains blue.

When a party obsessed with maintaining power and control to the detriment of the welfare of the American people is in office, that party must be voted out of power. They no longer serve “We the People,” they are serving only their party.

Voters in the coming presidential election should contemplate the global view of America as the world leader.

Our enemies welcome our current state of weakness. China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran are forming closer ties, seemingly preparing for another world war. Possibly nuclear.

Our petty squabbles over abortion, transgender rights, BLM, climate change, etc., pale in comparison to this apocalyptic possibility.

We need a strong and cogent leader to guide us through these perilous times.

We need a return to common sense, accountability, and America first.

Donald Trump is no altar boy, but I believe he is the only candidate with the gravitas to effectively deal with our current state of affairs.

Frank Goss
