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Pleasant Valley teacher saves boy from choking

The Pleasant Valley School Board honored history teacher Marc Fleming at its meeting Thursday night.

Fleming jumped into action on Aug. 29 when one of his seventh-grade students, Chase Borger, 12, began choking in class.

Reading from the proclamation, school board President Sue Kresge said, “(He) saw a person gasping for air in apparent physical distress, and whereas Marc Fleming determined that the individual was choking and necessitated him to perform the Heimlich maneuver where he was able to dislodge food. Whereas the individual was checked out by the nurse and returned to normal activities. Whereas Marc Fleming selflessly made a split-second decision of a life or death nature to perform a purposeful, distinctive and successful lifesaving act on another human.”

On behalf of the district’s Board of Education, Kresge said the board “expresses its warm appreciation and sincere gratitude for his heroic actions in saving the life of another.”

Fleming received a framed proclamation from the school board and a plaque from Chase.

Chase’s mother Christie Borger later said, “Words cannot express how thankful our family is for Mr. Fleming’s quick, lifesaving actions! Mr. Fleming is our hero! Him and Chase will always be connected and share a special bond! We also commend the school nurse and administration who stepped in to help and support all those involved.”

In other business regarding the school district’s faculty and staff, the board approved:

• Affiliation agreement - Temple University;

• Hiring of professional staff (long-term substitute) - David Imhof, music teacher, PVHS & PVMS, Step 1: $47,357 (prorated), from Sept. 5 to Dec. 22;

• Hiring of support staff - Gwendolyn Harris, building secretary, PVMS, $32,786 (prorated);

• Intramural advisers - Joe Anderton, Mike Borger and Mike Walters, advisers, fall baseball/speed work, PVHS;

• Resignations - Linda Chiesa, custodian, PVMS; Christina Blomberg, food service employee, PVES; and Taylor Womack, junior varsity volleyball coach;

• Retirement - Susan Marcin, paraprofessional, PVES;

• Start date correction - Erin Steiner, guidance counselor, previously approved July 20, correct start date Aug. 21;

• Supplemental contracts: athletic - Melissa Bruckman, girls volleyball, junior varsity assistant;

• Supplemental contracts: nonathletic - Jennifer Mulder and Leticia Dipipi, Social Studies Department chairs (3-5); Paul McCrone, Social Studies Department chairman (6-8); Roxanne Scott, Library Media Department chairman (K-12); Bron Leupold, Special Education Department chairman (K-5); Brian Morgan, School Counseling Department chairman (6-12); Christie Doll, Audio-Visual and Technology building coordinator, PVES; Sean Crosby, Audio-Visual and Technology building coordinator, PVIS; James Igoe, Audio-Visual building coordinator, PVIS; Christopher Jarrow, Technology building coordinator, PVMS; Craig Morris, Audio-Visual and Technology building coordinator, PVHS.

Above: Pleasant Valley Middle School teacher Marc Fleming was given a proclamation at the school board meeting on Thursday in honor of saving a student who was choking in class. On behalf of the school board, President Sue Kresge presented the proclamation.
Left: Pleasant Valley Middle School teacher Marc Fleming was given a proclamation at the school board meeting on Thursday. He also received a plaque from his seventh-grade student, Chase Borger, who was choking and whose life was saved by Fleming. CONTRIBUTED PHOTOS