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Jim Thorpe resumes hometown hero banners

A popular Hometown Heroes banner program in Jim Thorpe is starting up again in 2024.

The Jim Thorpe Lions Club is currently accepting renewals from the initial program and new applications.

Spearheaded around five years ago by the Lions and member Jimmy Trainer, who passed away in 2022, residents can honor family members or friends, living or deceased, who served or are currently serving in the military by sponsoring banners with pictures of them, which are hung on utility poles around town.

According to Lions Club members, the latest round of banners will hang until 2027.

“We hope that you have enjoyed the opportunity to honor your loved one through our program,” the Lions Club said in renewal applications, which have already been sent out. “We would like to offer you the opportunity to again honor our veterans starting in 2024. Due to deterioration from exposure to the sun and the extremes of weather, the old banners had to be removed and cannot be reused.”

The new banners will be duplicates of the previous banners at a size of 24” wide by 48” high, and will display the sponsor name at the bottom.

Over 220 people sponsored banners during the first round of the program.

Applications for first-time banner sponsors can be printed from the Jim Thorpe Lions Club Facebook group page and the organization can also be reached at jimthorpelions@gmail.com to obtain an application.

The cost to sponsor a new banner is $225 and applications will be accepted until Sept. 30 or the maximum number the Lions Club can accommodate is reached.

“Due to the demand to renew the old banners, and depending on the number and timing of the responses for new ones, the availability of spaces to hang the banners is limited,” the Lions Club stated. “A location for banners can be requested, but not guaranteed due to a limited number of poles and requests.

“Please take into consideration that the banners are organized and hung by volunteers and it is not possible to satisfy everyone’s request.”

Completed applications, including photo and full payment, should be returned to the Jim Thorpe Lions Club, P.O. Box 108, Jim Thorpe, PA 18229.

Any questions on the program can be directed to Debbie Trainer at 570-325-4104 or jimthorpelions@gmail.com.

The town of Jim Thorpe is bringing back its “Hometown Heroes Banner Program” honoring service personnel from our area who served or are serving our country. TIMES NEWS FILE PHOTO