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Letter to the Editor: Sexploiting our children

Evil has permeated the minds of Liberals. They are sexualizing and indoctrinating children at an alarming rate. Examples:

An 11-year-old boy from Maine exposed his school librarian at a school board meeting by reading excerpts from the pornographic book he found in his school library. The librarian asked him if he wanted more.

15 hospitals nationwide perform gender surgeries on children (many are children’s hospitals). An undercover video shows the motivation for these surgeries is “a lot of $$$ to be made.”

Pam Bondi, former AG of Florida is representing two families in Colorado whose children were enrolled in what their parents thought was an after school art program for 5-11 year olds. Turns out, it was a secret transgender club which operated in darkness for 1.5 years and the children were instructed not to tell their parents. Prizes were awarded to children who turned trans. Several children were converted. Lawsuits like these are happening across our country.

Washington state Democrats forced health insurers to cover “gender-affirming” care including surgical treatments for minors 13 to 17 years of age without parental consent. In Oregon, HB2002 makes abortion available to minors of any age without parental consent. Minnesota passed a bill that strips custody from parents who don’t consent to transitioning their kids.

A whistleblower and former case worker from Washington University Pediatric Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital reported that 75% of children she encountered who identified as “gender dysphoric” learned about their gender on TikTok. The allegations in the affidavit state there were no clinical assessments. There were no provisions of psychology and psychiatry for the kids that came into the clinic. The clinicians raced to administer cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers and recommended irreversible surgeries, without properly notifying and obtaining consent from the parents.

Why is this happening to children and why now? Marxists believe in the abolition of family, separating children from parents, with the state educating children. Which begs me to ask: Are we staring down the barrel of Communism in 2023 in the greatest country in the world?

Wanda Dietz

Franklin Township