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CCTI valedictorian: ‘World is ours for the taking’

Now is their time to go out into the world and live, Ashley Little told fellow Carbon Career and Technical Institute graduates Thursday.

Little, the valedictorian, addressed the 29th graduating class - one that survived a pandemic, online learning and more - during commencement ceremonies for the Class of 2023 on the school grounds in Jim Thorpe.

Reaching the end of high school should be a relief, but it also shouldn’t be, she said.

“It’s a chapter in our lives that is about to close, but that means new beginnings are arising,” she said. “Our generation is moving up into the world - and the world is ours for the taking.

“No matter what you choose to do, it’s yours,” Little said. “It’s officially our time to step up and take our rightful place in society.”

“Now is our time,” she said.

Principal Michelle Allen and CCTI Director Brent Borzak expressed pride and hope for the 90 students receiving diplomas and going out into the world.

“I want you to consider your educational years spent here at CCTI as a steppingstone in your life,” Allen told the grads. “We’re all proud of what you have all accomplished so far. Don’t stop here and don’t ever give up.”

Senior year was the only normal one for the Class of 2023, said Jeremy Salvaggio, class president.

Classmates ended their freshman year at home due to pandemic closures and went back to class two to three days a week as sophomores, he said. Some normalcy returned their junior year, but with COVID precautions.

“This school year, our senior year, we as a class accomplished so many amazing things,” Salvaggio said. “We added and participated in multiple new clubs, giving more opportunities to future students.”

They also had many students compete and win at district and state levels in SkillsUSA, which showcases the best in career and technical students; DECA, another career and technical student organization, and HOSA, Future Health Professionals, he said.

“We also had students from all three of those organizations make it to the national level,” Salvaggio said.

He thanked the administration for listening to students and making their school year better, and all of the staff who came together to make the school a better place for them.

“I would also like to thank our family and friends for the support and the impact you have had on each of us,” Salvaggio said.

He told his fellow graduates to do what makes them happy.

“As we move on throughout our lives, we will face many challenges that will have an impact on us,” Salvaggio said. “Some may try to influence us to take a different route, but remember to stay on your course.

“I urge you to follow your heart and do whatever brings you happiness in life,” he said.

Salutatorian Montanna Costenbader thanked their academic and technical teachers for their flexibility and support to help them through the challenges pandemic learning brought.

“Every single one of us will carry the knowledge and skills we have gained from our time here for the rest of our lives,” she said. “This school has given us the opportunity to gain so many new friends, valuable workforce skills, and experiences we will never forget.

“These amazing memories will last us a lifetime and the photos we have captured along the way speak a million words,” Costenbader said.

She told family, friends, faculty, administration and board members to take one last look at the Class of 2023 as young adults.

“Because once we leave here, we will be your future workforce leaders, which yes, I know is scary,” Costenbader said. “This is not goodbye Class of 2023, it is see you later. I wish each and every one of you good luck on your new endeavors.

“So, CCTI Class of 2023, let’s show the world what we’ve got!”

Valedictorian Ashley Little addresses the Carbon Career and Technical Institute's Class of 2023 during graduation Thursday, as CCTI director Brent Borzak looks on. KELLY MONITZ SOCHA/TIMES NEWS
Members of the Carbon Career and Technical Institute's Class of 2023 watches as classmate Matthias Miller poses for a picture with diploma during the graduation ceremony Thursday. KELLY MONITZ SOCHA/TIMES NEWS
Class President Jeremy Salvaggio addresses fellow graduates during the Carbon Career and Technical Institute's 29th annual commencement Thursday. KELLY MONITZ SOCHA/TIMES NEWS