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West End news: May 31, 2023

Church growth

Our Lady Queen of Peace Church celebrated the Confirmation of 38 young folks this past Sunday.

Dart league meet

Post 927 dart league organization meeting will be held at 3:30 p.m. Sunday.

Anyone with questions can call Moe at 610-681-5838.

PVEN summer lunch

On Monday, the Pleasant Valley Ecumenical Network’s free summer lunches available for children ages 18 and under as of June 5 begin and continue Aug. 18.

They will be available from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Monday through Friday, at the Chestnuthill Park, Pavilion 1, on Rt. 715, Brodheadsville.

For more information call the PVEN office at 570-992-3136 and ask for Colleen.

Seniors lunches

Those seniors attending the Chestnuthill Sr. Center at Zion Lutheran Church in Brodheadsville can choose either fish thermador or egg salad for their lunch on June 2 and either roast beef or turkey & cheese for June 6.

Orders must be placed by 11 a.m. the day before with Donna Riedel, manager, at 570-242-6770.

Knit & Crochet

Effort UMC’s Prayer Shawl group will meet Tuesday, beginning at 10:40 a.m.

Zion Lutheran’s Knit & Crochet group will once again make good use of their assorted needles for knitting & crocheting for others this coming Tuesday beginning at 1 p.m. Newcomers are welcome.

C’hill meeting

According to the web, Chestnuthill Township Supervisors will be meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the municipal building in Brodheadsville on Rt. 715.

Flea market help

Our Lady Queen of Peace Church is accepting flea market donations from noon to 6 p.m. Friday; from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday; from 1 to 6 p.m. Monday; and from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesday.

Anyone with questions may call the church at for 610-681-6137 further directions.

Bog walks

Beginning next Wednesday and continuing through Sept. 13th the Environmental Education Center will be offering weekly walks through the Tannersville Bog at 10 a.m.

These 2½-hour walks will be guided by an Environmental Educator from the Center who will teach participants about the Bog, a unique boreal bog for this area, owned by the Nature Conservancy.

The Bog is filled with bird songs and interesting insect eating plants.

Participants are to meet at the Bog parking lot by 10 a.m. They must wear appropriate footwear for walking in the woods and through fields.

For directions, cost and to preregister, call the E.E. Center at 570-629-3061, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and some Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

For more information on other programs offered visit www.mcconservation.org.

Out to Lunch

The Western Pocono Women’s Club is holding its Out to Lunch gathering at Mt. View Winery in Neola on June 8.

Members are reminded to contact V. Connor for exact location and reservation.

Elder Justice Day

A free event for older adults, their families and caregivers is being held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., June 13, at the Dale And Frances Hughes Cancer Center at Lehigh Valley Hospital-Pocono, 181 E. Brown St., East Stroudsburg.

The conference will include presentations and discussions by professionals and experts on critical elder abuse topics facing older adults in Monroe County.

Local vendors and representatives will be on hand to share their information, according to the latest issue of Monroe County Seniors’ Express Times.

Lunch will be included

Registration is required.

Call 570-420-3735 or email: monroeaging@monroecountypa.gov.

QV donations

Quiet Valley, Monroe County’s living historical farm has some needs for various purposes. The Wish List includes: pint-size canning jars, canning jar lids & rings; Rit dyes-scarlet purple, orange, green, blue and teal; colored duct tape; copy paper and cardstock.

To deliver when someone is on duty, call QY at 570-992-6161 for the hours.

Coupon growth

The Farmer Market Coupon program is growing in that eligible recipients will receive a total of $50 (five $10 coupons) more than double last year’s amount. Household incomes have also been increased.

Voucher distribution will begin June 1 and end Sept. 30.

For more information, call the Monroe County Agency on Aging at 570-420-3735 or 1-800-490-8505.

I.D. theft seminar

On June 15, at the Ross Township Municipal Building on Anchorage Road in Saylorsburg Rep. Jack Rader is hosting said seminar on learning how to protect oneself from identity theft and other scams from 5 to 7 p.m.

RSVP is required by calling either 570-643-7683 or 570-620-4341.

Busy church

On June 18, St. Matthew’s UCC, Kunkletown, will be a beehive of activity with a car show at 8 a.m., worship in the grove at 10 a.m., and the annual strawberry festival as well.

In addition there will be a Tricky Tray by Laymen’s Fellowship.

WE car show

Pocono Old-Tyme Farm Equipment Association is hosting the 27th annual West End Car Show on June 25 at the West End Fairgrounds in Gilbert, rain or shine.

Gates open at 8 a.m. and registration also begins at 8 a.m. Children under 12 are admitted for free, but there is an admission charge for all others and the car registration as well.

Parking is free.

There will be music by Chris Eckert and pedal tractor pulls.

Flea market and craft spaces are available.

For more information, including car show rules, call G. Shupp at 610-381-5065 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.

VBS announced

Pleasant Valley Assembly of God Church will hold its VBS, Mega Sports Camp, from Monday through Thursday, from 6 to 8 p.m.

Any child from ages 3 to 12 may attend this free sports camp. It is not limited to members of the church.

For any and all questions, contact Pastor Marcos, by either replying directly to this email, or emailing me separately at Marcos.j.vasquez@gmail.com, or by texting/calling 862-621-7488.

Any child is 3 to 4 years of age, will only be allowed to participate in arts and crafts. Anyone between the ages of 5 and 12 can also participate in arts and crafts.

Only children between the ages of 5 and 12 will be able to choose a sport other than arts and crafts.

When registering your child, include any and all food allergies they might have, as they will be given snacks every night during their break time.

St. Matthew’s UCC, Kunkletown, will hold its VBS July 17 to July 21, from 9 a.m. to noon. The theme is Hero Hotline. It is for ages 3 to 12 as participants and ages 13 to 17 as youth helpers.

A parent or adult may stay with 3 and 4-year-old students.

For a VBS registration form, contact the church at 610-381-2442.

Contact Adele Argot at 717-933-4028 or arargot3@verizon.net or the Times News at 800-443-0377 or tneditor@tnonline.com.