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Therapy dog comforts owner who became ill in store

Rita “Ri” Beavers’ therapy dog hasn’t left her bedside since she suffered a recent health setback.

“She’s like a best friend to me,” Beavers said of Angel, a 3 year-old Sheltie mix, who let out a few happy yips as she talked.

Her loyal four-legged buddy came to her rescue last Monday, a day that began like any other.

Beavers, of Lehighton, returned from classes at Lehigh Carbon Community College in Schnecksville, and while she was home, she received a call from her cousin, Kim Higginbotham.

“She asked me to go to Giant with her, and I said, ‘That would be great. I’ll hang out,’” Beavers said.

With Angel at her side, Beavers made her way to the Lehighton supermarket.

“I walked in the door of Giant, and that’s when everything went downhill,” Beavers said. “I started shaking.”

When she became nauseous and felt like she was going to pass out, she immediately found an electric cart and sat down.

“Angel jumped up in my lap and wouldn’t move, kissing my face and barking at anyone who tried to touch me,” Beavers said.

Higginbotham also arrived and tried to calm her cousin down as an ambulance was summoned.

When emergency responders arrived, Higginbotham had to pull Angel from Beavers’ lap and place her in a shopping cart.

“She was the perfect service dog,” Beavers said.

It was later learned that Beavers suffered a low blood sugar episode and had a serious infection. It was a frightening experience, and a first for Beavers.

It was a first for Angel, too, but somehow she knew Beavers was in trouble. Before that, Angel had helped Beavers with Asperger’s syndrome, autism and anxiety.

“She and I have a special bond. I know what she’s saying and she knows what I am saying,” Beavers said.

She has been at home recovering - and Angel has been with her the entire time.

“I wouldn’t change anything. She belongs with me. It’s 200% solid,” Beavers said.

A photo collage shows Rita “Ri” Beavers' therapy dog, Angel, who helped her when she recently experienced a health emergency. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO