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Open house highlights help for families

The Pleasant Valley Ecumenical Network had an open house on Saturday.

“Pleasant Valley Ecumenical Network’s mission is to provide low-income families and families in crisis the essentials to maintain a dignified standard of living,” said Tom Campbell, president of the PVEN board of directors.

The PVEN Community Service Center on Route 209, Brodheadsville, has a food pantry, clothing closet, diaper and menstrual hygiene pantry, as well as social service referrals to residents of Chestnuthill, Eldred, Hamilton, Jackson, Ross and Polk townships in Monroe County.

Last month PVEN served 262 families through the food pantry, 24 families used its clothing closet, 72 families in the diaper pantry and 85 through the menstrual hygiene pantry with a total of 1,000 individual lives served, according to Campbell.

“The cost of diapers and hygiene products are expensive and the pantries save them money,” he said.

PVEN is hosting a Pampered Chef fundraiser to benefit its many services and clients.

During the month of April, 25 percent of items ordered will benefit PVEN.

Products are shipped directly to whoever orders. Contact the PVEN for ordering instructions at 570-992-3136.

If you are looking for a way to support your community, PVEN is always looking for volunteers and there will be summer programs that PVEN will be doing.

If you would like to know more about volunteering you can email info@pven.net or call 570-992-3136.

Tom Campbell, president of PVEN board of directors, points out how many choices of healthy foods the clients can choose from.
Volunteer Bob McPeek, of Stroudsburg, explains how to read the colored chart so the clients know how many of each food items they are allowed.
Colleen Walsh, PVEN operations manager, and Tom Campbell, president of the board directors, stand in front of the diaper and hygiene pantry.
This dedicated group of volunteers keeps the clothing room donations organized and makes the room colorful and bright for families. From left: Jean Reiff, Roxanne Dome, Jan Jackman, Miriam Lambert and Colleen Walsh, operations manager. AMY LEAP/TIMES NEWS