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Letter to the editor: As Time Goes By

It’s easy to destroy a Constitutional Republic!

You merely chip away with propaganda at regular intervals until the public accepts each of the items of misinformation one chip at a time. Then let that bit of Marxist thought become standard fare until the next interval arrives to chip away again.

We have a Declaration of Independence which states we are all created equal and have the God given right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. We have a Constitution which provides for the establishment of justice, insures domestic tranquillity, provides for a common defense, promotes general welfare and secures Liberty for ourselves and our posterity.

So for the last one hundred years our enemies have been chipping away at our sacred documents to bring down the Republic. They are chipping against: Education-from elite Universities to other colleges to high schools now down to kindergarten.

They use Communist thought to lower standards in science, math, reading, history, civics, etc. They teach racism, false history, political issues to divide our people, equity instead of merit and forget about DNA boys and girls. Economy-overspend foolishly, printing money causes devalued currency (inflation). What happens when the U.S. Dollar is no longer the world’s standard? Patriotism has been chipped away over the last 50 years. How patriotic is our CDC and CYA Fauci?

Our investigative services FBI and CIA have been made political by being educated by Marxist clothed in patriotism. They are looking more like KGB and Gastopo, all this while demeaning local police. Morality is being chipped away as we become more hedonistic; denying God and religion. Support abortion, denying that human life begins at conception when the product of conception contains all elements necessary thru adulthood (even its own nutrition until the maternal nutrition takes over). Family is being chipped away as the value of the family unit in raising children in a responsible way is destroyed.

The Great Titanic of the USA is sinking! We must wake up and educate ourselves.

Nos Drovia Comrades!!!

Walt Fagan

Jim Thorpe