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Carbon officials target child abuse this month Proclamation names April as Child Abuse Prevention Month

A weird bruise.

A broken arm.

Flinching when a person raises their hand to talk.

These all could be signs that something is wrong in a child’s home.

In 2022, Carbon County had 318 reports of suspected child abuse cases. Of that, 23 were substantiated and 65% of those were sexual in nature.

To bring awareness to this very serious matter, the county, on Thursday, adopted a proclamation naming April as Child Abuse Prevention Month in Carbon.

“Children are our most valuable resource and will shape the future of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (however) child abuse can have long-term psychological, emotional and physical effects that have lasting consequences for victims of abuse,” the proclamation states, adding that to combat this problem, there must be a strong network between families.

Jill Geissinger, director of Children and Youth, urged people wear blue on Tuesday to show support of the children who are affected by abuse.

In addition, her office will be placing small flags and ribbons around Josiah White Park in Jim Thorpe to bring awareness.

To answer how to prevent child abuse from happening, Geissinger said that it is not an easy answer, but it can help for people to recognize the signs and speak up if something is suspected.

“The best way to prevent sexual abuse is to listen to your children when they say they’re uncomfortable around certain people,” Geissinger said, noting that most abuse cases happen in the home or by someone the child knows. “It’s not that stranger danger that you hear.”

Support systems need to also include programs and partnerships with the community, schools, organizations and more.

“Our communities are stronger when all citizens become aware of the negative effect of child neglect,” the proclamation states.

The commissioners thanked Geissinger for all the department does and urged people to look at the signs and speak up to protect the children.

The Carbon County Commissioners, on Thursday, adopted a proclamation naming April as child Abuse Prevention Month. Children and Youth director Jill Geissinger is urging people to wear blue on Tuesday to support children. From left, are Commissioner Rocky Ahner; Jill Geissinger; Chris McLaughlin, Children and Youth employee; and Commissioners Wayne Nothstein and Chris Lukasevich. AMY MILLER/TIMES NEWS