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Carbon county commissioners

The Carbon County Commissioners acted on or discussed the following items during their weekly meeting on Thursday:

• Approved a quote from Phoenix Graphics Inc. of Rochester, New York, for the printing of Election Day ballots, provisionals, sample ballots and mailing services of absentee/mail-in ballots for the 2023 municipal primary and general elections at a total estimated cost of $44,237 under a Costars contract.

• Accepted the resignation of Robert Miller of Nesquehoning as a contracted rover troubleshooter for the upcoming elections.

• Approved a consultant agreement 2-1 between Carbon County and Jerome P. Scarpati of Lehighton to provide training and assistance to the Carbon County Information Technology department on an as-needed basis. The consultant wage will be $150 per hour with a maximum not to exceed 100 hour per month, to be paid monthly. The agreement shall last until June 11 or until terminated by either party. Commissioner Chris Lukasevich voted no, but noted he was not against Scarpati as the consultant, but just the cost.

• Approved a change order with Keystone Fire and Security of Allentown for additional design, installation and training to the video and audio recording system for the Emergency Operating Training Center in the amount of $8,764.

• Approved a stipulation between Cedar Realty Investments LLC and the Carbon County Board of Assessment Appeals on the fair market value of a property on Long Run Road, Franklin Township. The property shall be assessed at $39,000 and the assessed value shall be $9,466.


• Retirement: Jerome P. Scarpati of Lehighton, director of Information Technology, effective Feb. 10.

• Resignations: Robert J. Sikorsky of Palmerton, part-time parking/meter attendant, effective Jan. 19; Ariel L. Murphy of Lehighton, part-time K-9 officer, effective Feb. 17; and Brenda Paisley of Weatherly, corrections officer, effective Feb. 6.


• Clerk of courts appointment: Juliana E. Trangone of Albrightsville, deputy clerk, effective Feb. 6.