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Pl. Vly. combines two administrative jobs

The Pleasant Valley School Board approved the creation of a new position at their meeting Thursday night. The position is coordinator of Child Accounting/Pennsylvania Information Management System coordinator.

The directors then appointed Lauren Nelson to the new position, which was created to consolidate two Act 93 positions into one.

Nelson had served as the coordinator of Student Services. Her new position pays $69,000, prorated, effective Oct. 1.

In other personnel changes, the directors were informed of the resignation of Sheri Fallon, a guidance counselor at the high school. Fallon was told in December that she would be moved to the middle school and Alison Gimbi, a guidance counselor at the middle school, would be moved to the high school.

The decision to switch the two school counselors was discussed by the directors in an executive session before the Dec. 19 meeting, which caused the regular school board meeting to be delayed by a half-hour. The discussion continued during the regular meeting with the final vote being five to three in favor of the change.

Gimbi had joined the guidance department at the middle school in October, replacing Nicole Layton, who resigned in September.

Fallon had been a member of the Pleasant Valley School District staff for 25 years. At the time of her resignation, she was the chairperson for the guidance department for grades 6-12 and coordinator of the Advanced Placement program. Her resignation is effective Jan. 31.

Also turning in resignations are Christine Preston, a PVMS science teacher, effective Jan. 13; and Lisa Kaminski, head cook for the Food Service Department, effective Jan. 2.

Nelia Marcheski, Access coordinator, has submitted her intention to retire, effective April 18.

Additional changes include:

• Hiring of teachers for Learning Recovery Opportunity - Suzanne Burnett and Jill Goffredo, PVES; and Shannon Mackes, PVHS, all $58 per hour;

• Hiring of substitute nurse for LRO - Kelly Collins, PVES, $58 per hour;

• Hiring of retiree as professional staff day-to-day substitute - Melinda Kessler;

• Professional staff building transfers - Jody Berube, from PVES to PVHS, employee returning from leave of absence;

• Salary adjustment - Darlene Arfken, monitor, from $10.97 to $11.24;

• Student activities - HOSA, co-advisers, Jenna Wernett and Mark Rehrig, PVHS;

• Supplemental contracts (athletic non-coaching) - baseball: Michael Borger, junior high scoreboard, $25 per event;

• Support staff substitutes - Dakota Altemose, substitute custodian.