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Kunkletown pastor honored for 35 years of service

Pastor Scott Brooks-Cope surprised his wife, Pastor Suzanne Brooks-Cope, on Jan. 15 to celebrate her career milestone.

On Jan. 17, 1988, she was ordained by the Presbtery of Baltimore.

She has been the pastor at St. Matthew’s UCC in Kunkletown for the last 11 years, and often invites her husband to guest preach.

Which is what he was doing Sunday morning when at the end of his sermon called “The Light of the World,” he turned back toward his wife and said “Honey, I have a bit of a surprise today.”

Suzanne was going to be a medical doctor in Baltimore, but then she “got called to work for God,” he said.

They were both chaplain interns at a psychiatric ward at the time.

They have been married 37 years and have raised four children. They have two daughters-in-law and two granddaughters.

She has served churches in Baltimore, Florida, and Pennsylvania.

“And today, this congregation and I want to thank you for your 35 years of faithful service.”

He then invited Rev. Dr. Becky Beckwith, sabbatical Penn Northeast Conference minister, to come up to the lectern to present a plaque.

“Suzanne has blessed so many through her life and career. It’s obvious that God got into her head and her heart. He called her into ordained ministry,” she said.

Beckwith handed Brooks-Cope the plaque and the two hugged for a moment.

“I am truly surprised today. I saw Becky sitting there in the pew during announcements. I welcomed her and then forgot to make an announcement about an upcoming event. I had no idea why she was here. I also saw coffee brewing downstairs and there’s no social hour planned for today,” she told the congregation.

Pastor Scott usually has a difficult time surprising his wife. She usually figures it out.

St. Matthew’s council members were invited up front to do a laying of the hands blessing on Pastor Suzanne.

“We would like to thank you for bringing your light to our church in Kunkletown,” said Cheryl Dorshimer, council president.

Church member Kyle Strohl baked a carrot cake, which was served with the “mysterious” coffee after worship.

The Rev. Dr. Becky Beckwith, sabbatical Penn Northeast Conference minister, presents Pastor Suzanne Brooks-Cope with a plaque for her 35 years as an ordained minister. STACI GOWER/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS
Church member Kyle Strohl made the beautiful carrot cake, which was served with coffee after worship.