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Save on energy costs

Energy usage is a key factor in the size of winter energy bills, and there are many ways that consumers can control that usage.

Energy saving tips from the PUC include:

• Pay attention to the thermostat - Every degree you raise or lower the temperature could impact energy costs by up to 3%. Also, consider a programmable thermostat to automatically lower temperatures while you are away from home.

• Have your furnace serviced - Regular furnace maintenance along with clean air filters help ensure efficient operation of your heating system.

• Insulate and seal leaks around your home - Adding insulation, installing storm windows and doors, and sealing cracks and air leaks can help you stay warmer and use less energy.

• Install or repair ceiling fans in high-trafficked rooms - Many people can reverse the direction of ceiling fans to clockwise to produce an updraft and move warmer air near the ceiling downward, keeping the room and you warmer.

• Consider resetting your water heater thermostat - Water heaters are the second highest source of energy usage in the home, and many people have the thermostat on their water heater set too high. Setting the temperature on your water heater a few degrees cooler can help save money on your energy bills.