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Slatington adopts multi-municipal plan

The Slatington borough council adopted the Northern Lehigh Multi-Municipal Comprehensive Plan by a unanimous vote at Monday night’s meeting.

The plan includes Slatington, and Weisenberg, Washington, Lynn, Lowhill and Heidelberg townships.

It is the result of three years of work by representatives of each municipality to update the first Northern Lehigh Multi-Municipal Comprehensive Plan, adopted in 2004.

“It’s a plan for keeping farmlands as farmlands, preserving the historical and cultural aspects of the area, and the different municipalities helping each other out with projects and stuff,” said Slatington Mayor Jeralyn Shoch. “Now we have this out, this plan for the Northern Lehigh area, we’re hoping that the municipalities will work more together.”

Councilman Jeffrey Hausman also supported the plan, which has six main goals, one of them being protecting and promoting local farming businesses.

“Looking at some of our road projects, we figured between renting equipment and utilizing vehicles from some of these townships, it would benefit us to be a part of this,” Hausman said. “They could help us out with some equipment to come in and get some of these smaller projects done. It’s a great thing to work together. It brings us some extra resources.”

To view the 124-page plan go online at plannL.org.

In other news, council said it had secured an additional $150,000 through state Sen. Pat Browne and state Rep. Zach Mako to repair the Northern Lehigh pool. That grant is in addition to $250,000 that was already awarded.

Borough Manager Daniel Stevens said the pool plans to reopen in 2023.