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Letter to the editor: Where are the volunteers?

The Armed Forces are running low on volunteers. The younger generation seems to be fixed on their phones. They don’t seem interested in anything else. Looking for sign up money.

What ever happened to love of country? I always believed if war broke out I’d rather fight it over there, not here. I don’t want this to turn into another Ukraine. I’d hate to see American cities bombed, or foreign troops landing on our shores.

On my wall is a frame, inside it reads:

The American service man or woman don’t hate what’s in front of them, they love what’s behind them.

I don’t see youngsters love their country like their phones. What’s going to happen if the government starts the draft? Believe it or not, you can learn a trade in the service and it’s free.

I remain,

Robert (Ski) Siesputowski

Summit Hill