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Zoo Much Fun brings delight to all ages

You don’t have to be a kid to enjoy the wonderful characters that make up the Zoo Much Fun.

If you are lucky while you enjoy the fair, you will bump into the roving band of these zoo characters.

You will get to meet an otter named Emmett, a tiger named ChipShot, and a moose horse named Loco. Make sure you follow them to see all the fun they get into each day.

The So fun Zoo was created by a family with a child that was born and was seriously ill and not expected to survive to his first birthday. Not only did he survive, he recently celebrated his 12 quarantine birthday and 100% outgrew his illness.

The goal is to provide a ray of sunshine to inspire and comfort to those who need it.

The award winning performers are based out of Berks County.

Chip the cub spreads cheer to everyone he sees. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO