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Garden show celebrates flowers

After a two-year hiatus, members of the Pocono Garden Club held its annual flower show and plant sale on July 9.

Titled “A Magical Kingdom, Disney in Flowers,” the event featured club members’ floral arrangements depicting their favorite Disney themes.

The annual flower show and plant sale changed venues this year and held the show at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Tannersville.

Rows of club members’ prized horticulture and houseplants were also on display.

Master Gardener, noted author and local resident, Pamela Hubbard, presented “Gardening With Children.”

The club’s plant sale. Always a crowd-favorite, the Pocono-grown plant sale offers perennials, trees, shrubs, houseplants, herbs and more grown by club members. This year’s offerings included dogwoods, curly willow, lilacs, rose of Sharon, Shasta daisy, foxglove, hostas, lambs’ ear, sedum, lilies, thyme, and more.

Proceeds from the sale goes to help support The Garden of Giving, which growa fresh produce for food-insecure families.

“It is a lot of work, we started setting up the Thursday before the sale and worked day and night to get it ready, but it feels good to be able to have the show and help out The Garden of Giving,” said Nell Cadue, president of the flower show.

Co-chair Joan Lippi said they had 50 flower arrangement entries and 120 horticulture entries.

The club meets the second Tuesday of most months at the Monroe County Conservation District, 8050 Running Valley Road, Bartonsville. Membership is $15 per year. Guests are welcome at meetings.

Rosemary Galen's delicate Dinner Plate Hibiscus took first place at the show.
Rosemary Galan's Dumbo flower arrangement was a favorite and won a third place.
The horticultural plants were a large part of the flower show.
The plant sale offered lots of greenery for your gardens.