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Bowmanstown Scout celebrated for earning Eagle rank

On June 5, Grant Scott of Bowmanstown celebrated earning the highest rank of the Boy Scouts, the Eagle Scout badge. His ceremony was held at the Bowmanstown Area Volunteer Fire Company’s Grove, where the Lions memorial is located.

Matthew Wentz officiated the ceremony and Baron Cebrosky offered the invocation. Grant’s brother, Gavin Scott, also an Eagle Scout, gave him the charge and oath, and Carbon County Commissioner Chris Lukasevich presented him with a resolution and encouraging words of the responsibility his ranking bears.

Grant chose Norman Engle Jr. as the recipient of his mentor award for his guidance before, during and after his project, then expressed gratitude to those who assisted him with his project and Scout journey. Following Grant’s official proceedings, friends and family joined him for a celebratory meal.

Each candidate for the rank of Eagle is required to complete a significant project. Grant collaborated with the Bowmanstown Area Lions Club to rebuild a memorial to their deceased members. To begin the project, he tore down an existing railroad tie retaining wall, cleared out trees and shrubs, moved an existing fence, then rebuilt the wall with stone.

In addition, he repainted several park benches and railings, landscaped the memorial grounds and repainted the memorial board. This project required over 245 man-hours to complete. Despite several obstacles, including the COVID quarantine, and the dissolution of his troop, Grant earned his badge on Aug. 26, 2020.

Grant is the last of 16 eagles who originated from Troop 20 under Jimmy Schneck’s and Matt Wentz’s leadership. Considering that only 4% of Scouts achieve this accomplishment, it is a testimony to their leadership.

Troop 20 was dissolved in 2020. During his eight years of scouting, Grant earned 33 merit badges and served as senior patrol leader.

Grant Scott of Bowmanstown has earned the highest rank of the Boy Scouts, the Eagle Scout badge. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO