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Weissport council president to cut back hours

Weissport Borough Council President Arland Moyer advised council that, as of June 30, he will be cutting back the hours he has been working and will discontinue some of the jobs he had been doing. Moyer cited his age as a factor.

“I can’t be doing all this weed whacking and other things anymore,” Moyer said. “I’m 70 years old, and I’m supposed to be retired. It’s time to start slowing down. And the fact is, it’s costing me money to work.”

Moyer said he has had to pay additional taxes at the end of the year.

Moyer will continue some jobs, like cleaning the park and the playground, and helping with the levee.

Council went into an executive session after the meeting to discuss personnel matters.

In other business

• Weissport Borough is still accepting applications for the position of chief of police. Candidates must have their Act 120 certification and meet all necessary background checks. Anyone who would like to apply should contact Weissport Borough at 610-377-5606.

• Weissport Borough received a letter from the Lehighton Water Authority regarding street paving within Weissport.

In the letter, the authority is requesting cooperation from the Weissport Borough to refrain from paving any streets that currently have lead water main services.

“They have an extensive project coming up to locate all these lead lines within our system as well as customer-owned portions due to 2024 Department of Health violations,” borough Secretary Jennifer Ketchledge read. “They have not given a deadline for a replacement of all the lead; there will be a lot of construction to complete this project.”

The project will include any and all streets within Weissport that have lead water mains.

“We can work together with them on that issue so that it looks nice when it’s done,” borough solicitor Gregory Mousseau added.

• The movie night held May 13 at the Weissport Borough Park was very successful, according to Hope Community Fellowship Church’s Samuel Carey.

“With all the families and the helpers, we had around 85 people,” Carey told council. “It’s the best turnout we’ve had so far. I just wanted to thank you for allowing us to use the park for this.”

The next movie night will be held Aug. 19, with a start time of 8 p.m., and the movie will be “Remember the Titans.” In case of inclement weather, the movie will be shown in the church.

Viewers are advised to bring along chairs or blankets.

• The Weissport Tax Collector’s office reported collecting $2,102.13 in garbage fees for May and collected $42,642.21 in taxes.

A check for $42,642.21 was turned over to Ketchledge. In addition, a check for $166.03 from Carbon County for paying half of envelope bills was given to deposit as well.