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Vandals destroy port-a-potty at West End park

Recently the West End Regional Park was targeted by vandals who set fire to and destroyed the portable toilet that was there for people who come to enjoy the park.

This is not the first time vandals have destroyed the park’s property.

Last year the library’s StoryWalk boards were severely damaged. The StoryWalk allows young readers to practice their reading skills as they follow the path and read the large print and colorful characters on the story boards.

“The park board is trying hard to rectify the situation, and they are looking into putting several cameras in the regional park,” said Chestnuthill Township Manager David Albright.

The township has applied for several grants to offset the cost of the cameras, and until the cameras are installed, Albright said, “It does not make sense to replace the port-a-potty, so at this time there is no bathroom facility.”

Albright said new cameras are getting pretty sophisticated and can track license plates and details, allowing more information to give to the Pennsylvania State Police.

The late Dave Fleetwood, a township supervisor, was instrumental in raising funds for the park. A trail at the park is dedicated in his memory.

“As Dave’s widow, it’s sad and concerning to see something like this happen,” said Pam Fleetwood.