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Marian honors track and field seniors

The Marian Catholic Track and Field Awards Banquet was recently held at Capriotti’s in Treskow. The seniors who were honored at the banquet included Morgan Brennan, Isa Genao, Grace Curnow, Kelly Sullivan, Ethan Smith, Lliam Sanphy, Brendan Lonergan, Steve Kostecky, Jake Fenstermaker, Mike Fellin, Alex Kokosky, and Noah Frask. Logan Fritz and Robert Jones were also senior members of the team.

Marian honors track and field seniors The Marian Catholic Track and Field Awards Banquet was recently held at Capriotti's in Treskow. Seniors who were honored at the banquet were, front row, from left, Morgan Brennan, Isa Genao, Grace Curnow and Kelly Sullivan. Back row, Marian track and field coach Justin Huegel, Ethan Smith, Lliam Sanphy, Brendan Lonergan, Steve Kostecky, Jake Fenstermaker, Mike Fellin, Alex Kokosky, and Noah Frask. Logan Fritz and Robert Jones were also senior members of the team. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO