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Schuylkill garden club holds annual plant sale

The South Schuylkill Garden Club will hold its annual Plant Sale on Saturday from 8 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at the Schuylkill Haven Sr. Recreation Center on Haven Street.

Start your day early by stopping by for the best selection of locally grown plants for your garden. There will be hundreds of plants including, but not limited to perennials like premium daylilies, hostas and sedum.

There will be a large variety of perennials for sun and shade along with shrubs and small trees.

There will also be vegetable plants and a large selection of native plants available. Prices start as low as $2. These hardy plants are locally grown so they are acclimated for the area.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture says native plants are already adapted to the climate and soil conditions in the area. These native plants provide important nectar, pollen and seeds to native fauna.

Native plants do not require fertilizers, need fewer pesticides, are less thirsty and can prevent erosion, may not require mowing and promote biodiversity.

When selecting plants at the plant sale, think about where that plant will be placed in your garden. Then ask yourself while selecting the plants how many hours of sun and shade does that spot get. Does water pool in this spot? Is the spot dry? What is the soil like?

Native plants may take a year or so to get established and grow into their new habitat. When you do plant the garden club plants in your garden, remember to leave room for the plant to grow and propagate.

New this year to the plant sale will be annual bedding plants as the club is striving to meet the local demand for new varieties of plants.

South Schuylkill Garden Club expert gardeners and Penn State Master Gardeners will be available to answer your gardening questions.

For additional information call/text or email Nancy at 570-753-9787.

The Plant Sale is held outside and social distancing will be followed as much as possible.